Monday, November 6, 2017

Too Strong for Too Long: Holidays in Mediwaka

Call it home or heaven, it won’t make a difference. Mediwaka is located about an hour away from Kandy and the beauty of it is seen as soon as you pass the Victoria reservoir and enter the Hunnasgiriya mountain range. Just as in many other places in the country, people in Mediwaka possess a warm and friendly nature reflected in persistent smiling faces and eagerness to help anyone who is new to the area. Don’t say no if someone invites you for a cup of tea or a meal because in they take their hospitality pretty serious.
Few of the cousins

Our parents, grandparents & great grand parents lived in this beautiful place. Even though our generation did not grow up here, we were always taught about the beauty of the village and the rich culture as we spent most of our childhood holidays in Mediwaka. We were not forced to go, but it was just a go to choice for me and my cousins. Our parents always had a hard time making us come back home.

Even though it was our vacation we were on a routine. We wake up early in the morning and leave our grandparent’s house to meet our friends at the ground nearby to play cricket till the evening. The tamarind tree next to the ground serves many hungry stomachs. Then we run across the paddy fields and jump into a stream and play until it gets dark. Sometimes we had bonfire’s (more like setting things on fire) or else we went back to our grandparents’ house for dinner and sleep on the main hall listening to each other’s horror stories.

Those were the best days of our lives. We were lucky to have a childhood that wasnt about going to tuition classes or playing on the computers and phone. We didn't even know what social media was back in the day.
Great Grand Mother and Son

We did not have cameras, Facebook or snap chat to document these memories but it’s all stuck in our heads and no can erase it.  Luckily we still go at least once or twice a year to this beautiful Village along with friends and family who lives all over the world. It sure is a beautiful world. 

Following are some photos taken during are recent visits. 

Old School which is abandoned at the moment

Waterfall located about a kilometer away from our grandparents' house
One side of the village


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