Monday, October 9, 2017

Weight Check or Life Check?

I visited my Alma mater Trinity College last week to meet some of my old teachers and friends. I got down from the bus and walked to school along the lake and down Trincomalee Street. This is about 1.5 kilometers of walking that I used to do every morning. There were many regular faces that i used to see either walking to school or getting ready to start their daily business. The school uniforms were the same but the faces have changed and so were the businessmen. Surprisingly one of the vendors who had a unique business was still going strong for over 10 years. The only thing that has changed about him is the price of his service, it has Doubled! You must be thinking that he is a millionaire by now, but he is not! 
This is a full time job for a man who has a family. You can pay 10 rupees and get your weight checked.  This person has been there for the longest time I've known. Even if 100 people use his service daily he would only make 1000 rupees, and that's less than 10 dollars. Are you spending that much money just on a meal? or twice the amount on clothes? still complaining about the things that your parents didn't give you? No. We don't always get what we want. But consider this: There are people who will never have, what you have right now.✌️.

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